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2004年5月31日 星期一
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[2004-05-31] 網友對名嘴封咪事件發表評論(三)

何志平 hocpin@hotmail.com



yip ko sau yip506@hotmail.com


luk yuen hei yuenhei_luk@hotmail.com


HYCHEN hychen1@netvigator.com


Peter Ho peterhoho@hotmail.com

 Do you believe in Conspiracy? It all happens at the short period of time. 鄭經翰黃毓民封咪 is for the sake of the Legislation Election in Sept. 04. I can bet a million that They will come back at least a month before the Election. They posed a pity situation of悲涼,逼在眉睫,身心俱疲all used the same tactic to let others to speak for them so that they can clarify and correct if something go wrong. They can only fool the Blind Idiots and gain their sympathy but not me.

 The most important target is the Sept. Election for those who are operating behind them. 鄭經翰黃毓民are only a tool for Political Objective. Who is behind this conspiracy is who is financing them. For them, money is everything. They know they are being utilized but with their philosophy of "We like salted fish, we must bear the salty taste". For them they like money and with no principles. 鄭經翰 is a poor man. He has money but he is afraid. He struggles inside himself and knows someday he will bear the Political Consequence. So he has made all preparation abroad. Unlike鄭經翰,黃毓民 has no money but debts. So he is not afraid but desperate. Maybe it relates to his background of growing up in the gutter. Everything to him is a gain. You can always witness a crack in their sayings. 他慨歎他跟鄭經翰不同﹕「佢有錢,我無錢,我唔做電台,沒有收入,飯都無得開. 但有消息指最近有人向他提供協助,紓解其財政壓力。You see, who will finance this Scum?? I hate to see another fool like to join them. 吳志森昨早在節目中表示,由下月起不再做該節目主持. 吳志森enjoys talking. He thinks himself is smarter than all the others and can always twists thing from Black to White and again White to Black. Actually he is a real fool and no Political Wisdom unlike his partner who let he speak loudly all the time. We all must be patient to see the end result of all these person in their destiny. And don''t let the Conspiracy to hurt us.

 香港的新聞自由是受到保障,《基本法》亦有明確規定保障新聞自由。But don''t mal-use it!!!

楊格 ykklcl@yahoo.com.hk


cnblcc cnblcc@yahoo.com.hk


chris chrislap@sinaman.com


chineseboy asd@yahoo.com


黃順和 wswsibu@yahoo



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