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李克強出席香港大學百年校慶 用英語發表演講

http://news.wenweipo.com   [2011-08-18]    我要評論


 在這篇演講的最後,擁有北京大學教育背景、經濟學博士學位的李克強,引用了徐立之校長在港大百年校慶前夕致辭中的一句話——「The University of Hong Kong was to be for China and the world」,並用英語說道:

 And just now, he once again stressed that HKU is a university 「built for China and the world。」 I echo Vice-Chancellor Tsui』s view. Indeed, HKU is for Hong Kong, attracting talents and educating people to promote Hong Kong』s prosperity. HKU is for China. It has become a key higher-education institution in China, playing an increasingly important role in China』s development and its integration with the world. And HKU is also for the world, becoming an integral part of the world』s academic community in advancing human knowledge. As the University of Hong Kong is proudly celebrating its first one hundred years, I strongly believe that the next one hundred years of the university will be even better。



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