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【文匯網訊】電視廣播有限公司(無線電視) 宣佈邵逸夫爵士今早(1月7日) 離世,深感哀悼。邵爵士是於今晨6時55分於家人陪伴下在家中安祥離世,享年107歲。





7 January 2014

TVB’s announcement on the decease of Sir Run Run Shaw

It is with deep sadness that Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB) announces the passing of its Chairman Emeritus, Sir Run Run Shaw this (7 January) morning.Sir Run Run passed away peacefully in the company of his family at 6:55 am at home,aged 107.

Sir Run Run was one of the founding directors of TVB in 1967 and Executive Chairman for 30 years. With his vision and energy, he had built the company to become Hong Kong』s premier television station and a world leader in the Chinese-language television industry.

Although we knew this day will come, no words can adequately express our sorrow and lessen our sense of a profound loss. He will be sadly missed by all of us in TVB.Our thoughts are with his wife, Ms. Mona Fong and his family.The funeral will be private.Details of a memorial service will be announced later.

生前熱心公益獲領導人贊許      [2014-01-07]
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邵逸夫生前珍貴資料照      [2014-01-07]
生前熱心公益獲領導人贊許      [2014-01-07]
邵逸夫:娛樂教父 富豪 慈善家      [2014-01-07]