記者:「在美國看來是誰在採取單方面,脅迫性的行為?」(So in your view, who is taking unilateral and coercive actions here? )
美國國務院代理副發言人文特雷爾:「重點是我們敦促各方避免作出加劇緊張局勢或者導致誤判的行為,破壞這個全球重要地區的和平、穩定和經濟增長。我們向雙方都表達了這一點。」(Well, the point is, we urge all parties to avoid actions that could raise tensions or result in miscalculations that would undermine peace, security and economic growth in this vital part of the world. So we say that to both sides. )
記者:「你會與中方討論這件事,紓緩中方的憂慮嗎?」(Will you try to talk with Chinese to discuss this issue, to ease Chinese concerns? )
文特雷爾:「我們定期與各方磋商地區安全問題,比如島嶼的緊張局勢。」(We regularly discuss regional security issues, such as tensions over the islands, with all the parties. )
記者:「是中國還是日本在挑釁?還是雙方都有?」( The Chinese or the Japanese, has taken those? Or have both of them?)
文特雷爾:「據我理解,在雙方的角度都在擔心對方採取的行動。」(My understanding is, from the perception of both sides, they have concerns about actions the other side has taken. )
第四屆美國、日本和印度三邊會談1號在美國國務院舉行,這次會議由美國助理國務卿布萊克主持。雖然美國國務院表示三方討論的是共同關切的廣泛議題,但是輿論普遍認為這次會議的召開是針對中國。 |